Adrina to the Rescue
the alter ego
Sunday 27 December 2009
2 weeks into the holidays: Finally caught on my sleep!
It's been two weeks. I waited, waited for the moment when it will all drop into their own place, how everything will make sense once I have my holidays. It hasn't. But I am doing the things I never get to do anymore, no matter how mundane it may sound to those who may have more time, more 24 hours in a day than me. These are the people who are either students, still not working full-time, or better at time management than me.

I finally got the sleep I needed, these past three days. I got to sleep about 10 hours yesterday, and I even managed to sleep at lunchtime on a Sunday, today. On a Sunday! I never got to do that anymore. I often spend my Sundays stressing out about Monday, or trying to cram in as much fun things I don't usually get to do.

I just finished reading a chick-lit book. It's written by Sophie Kinsella called 'Twenties Girl'. I know many don't think that you can get much out of a chick-lit genre, but this one did make quite an impact on me - about almost everything I am trying to process my thoughts about these days - job, relationships and family.

photo credit: google images

Reading it for the past 3 hours or so ( a paperback, okay!), made me realise why I am spending less at the bookstore these past few years. It's quite a waste, buying books for me. I am quite the read-o-holic, I can't successfully use a book to pass my time. Once I pick up an interesting book, I just. have. to. finish. reading it. After a few hours, when a book is done it is of no greater use to me anymore.

I am actually in the process of clearing out my room. But it is difficult. I get distracted every few hours by the sight of this man:

photo credit: google images

This dude should never have been allowed out of his country. Now it is almost impossible to find someone who is just as good-looking as him at this side of the world.


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