Basically every other expenses would be lumped into this 200 pounds limit. When a purchase is deemed necessary and lasts more than 1 month, for example a facial wash, this will be apportioned appropriately.
Can I rise to this challenge and still live a normal happy life? The point of this experiment is not to be at home in the weekends and pretend that retail theraphy does not exist, but to what extent can I alter my behaviour to find purchases which are not within my comfort zone - hence looking for alternatives which I may not have tried and cheaper.
All purchases are documented. I am already dreaming of what I will treat myself if this is successful.
February 1: 30 pounds at Boots. 1.75 pounds for lunch. =31.75
Needed to buy toothpast and shower gel from Boots. 3 for 2 promotion is either genius or evil.
good-bye to salon hair
First attempt at buying an alternative product - my normal mosturiser is low is supply, so rather than spending the 30 odd pounds for a jar, I bought a Boots brand for 19pounds instead! Will write if there are any difference between the two.